I spent all morning and most of the afternoon doing community service at St. Benedict's Center, where I attended my LeaderShape Institute for a week in the summer. We spent the morning plucking seeds off of plants in the BEAUTIFUL prairie. This center is famous for it's ecology preservation; they have beautiful woodland, prairie, ponds, etc. So anyway, I spent the morning picking seeds. They will be planted later in the fall; I think I'm going to go back and help with that. The weather was INCREDIBLE! A perfect day.....65 degrees, sunny, a small breeze...perfect! After a yummy lunch (everybody from leadershape really misses the food there) we went apple picking! It was so fun! (Except for the yucky apples.) I felt bad though, for about every apple I picked, I think I ate two! Kidding...we got a LOT picked...like crates and crates full. I think that was the most enjoyable community service I've ever done!
Oh, but I have to tell you about this boy that was there. He was a fifth grader from Chicago. The kid was a genius. The first thing he said to us was how he was planning on obtaining a master's degree in Toxicology. What the heck is that? The kid spoke perfect English, and knew everything! He was going on and on about how he wished Chicago would build a middle school where kids with "good test scores" could attend, rather than the regular ones. Lordy. Instead of talking about sports, or Pokemon, the boy insisted on talking about "the good books we have read" while we were picking seeds. The kid reads 750 page books....in one night!!! And he wasn't lying because his mom was right there! Let me tell you, that was NOT the type of kid I hung out with when I was little....I was the one over in the pile of mud in the parking lot digging for worms.
After that I went to work at Madtown for the afternoon. Nothing exciting there. Wait, yeah there is. Somebody is going through the kids' shoes, coats, and stuff looking for $.....right in front of my face, and I still couldn't figure out who it was. Next week I will have to come up with a plan...
So after work Mike and I were supposed to do something. But no...he forgot. But not only did he forget... he didn't even invite me to go out with him! I had the whole evening planned out. So then it was too late to make any plans on my ONLY free night this whole month. So this great day had to end on a bad note. Grrrr, boys are stupid. I'm going to bed.