I have to go to class in 10 minutes. Am I dressed yet? Nope. Have I showered yet? Nope. I think I'm going to make this a no shower day. It doesnt' really make that much sense to shower anyway, since I exercise in most of my classes, then I go right to track pratice, then right to cardio kickboxing. It seems like if I shower, I just end up working out 10 minutes later? I suppose for the sake of Mike's sanity and for the noses of those around me...I'd better shower.
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
Horray for Bill Gates! http://www.msnbc.com/news/694130.asp?pne=msn
Monday, January 28, 2002
After looking through things, I’ve realized this Website needs a hardcore revamping. Half the links don’t work and most of the pictures are at least four years old! It’s totally not J.R.’s fault, he has done a great job. I need to get my lazy butt into gear and get things scanned and put up here.
Sorry for being so quiet recently. There really hasn’t been much to write about. Just the same boring stuff…school, track, cardio karate, same boyfriend, same friends…you get the idea. But if anything exciting does decide to happen…I’ll post ASAP! K, going to bed now…VERY tired. Goodnight.
Sorry for being so quiet recently. There really hasn’t been much to write about. Just the same boring stuff…school, track, cardio karate, same boyfriend, same friends…you get the idea. But if anything exciting does decide to happen…I’ll post ASAP! K, going to bed now…VERY tired. Goodnight.
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
Check this out! http://www.fitsights.com/shanamartin/home.html
Monday, January 14, 2002
So I haven’t written in here for a while. You’d think with being on break I’d have more free time…ha yeah right. I went to Indiana for a week to see relatives, then worked at the health club and went to track practice during break. I still have one more week of break; then second semester begins. I finally got my schedule figured out yesterday. I don’t know how, where, or when I will fit in track practice, but at least I will graduate next year. DECEMBER! Holy cow. All of these years of school and it’s almost over…for some reason I’m not the least bit upset. I am SO looking forward to getting out into the real world, and learning what I want to learn when I want to learn it. I can’t wait to start teaching group exercise, coaching high school kids, and having a halfway regular schedule.
The cute picture up there is a picture of kitty having fun with a paper bag. Her new favorite thing is this cardboard box left over from Christmas. You can’t get her out of it if you try. She also has this new problem where she refuses to pee in her litter box. She will do everything else in there (thank god) but she always pees right in front of it. I guess it only makes sense that any new member of my family has to be at least a little off their rocker.
Oh, here’s something that made me cranky. Check out the current issue (March) of Oxygen Magazine. In the back there is a report on the Milwaukee Fitness America Pageant I did. Not one single picture of me…why? BECAUSE I PLACED FRIGGIN 13TH!!! Now take a look at those girls that placed in the top 5. Notice how most of them are not at all muscular and actually have quite a bit of fat on them? Now turn to the page before it. See how lean and muscular those girls look? That’s how I looked for Fitness America…(okay maybe not quite THAT good, but you get the idea) and I got marked down. That just goes to show how different the judging is for each competition. But then I do another competition and get marked down because I have no boobs. I can’t win. I guess I will just have to focus on pole vaulting for now.
Well, I have to drop off my new vacuum cleaner (isn’t that sad how excited I am about my new vacuum?) to Mike so he can learn how to clean. It may take him a while to teach him this…but hopefully he can catch on. Heck, I may even learn how to cook someday. Goodnight all.