Friday, December 14, 2001

Well, so much for that pull-up contest. I did 17 and he did 22…but I must say, his last five were PRETTY weak. The other people in the weight room said I should have won. I wagered a 7-mile run, so guess what I will be doing on Saturday? Fun fun!

So finals start in a few days. I should be studying, but for some reason I feel like I am already in break. That is BAD. I have spent this entire morning downloading Christmas music. But I probably shouldn’t be getting into the spirit quite yet…since I have to STUDY ALL STINKIN WEEKEND!

So yesterday Elvis (my gecko) almost lost his life again. Some of you may remember the incident last summer where Ezra (the cat I was taking care of for a friend) bit off his tail. Well, I’m pleased to announce his tail is almost completely grown back. Yesterday I needed to clean out his cage and change the sand. I set him on my bed not thinking much of it…when all of a sudden I hear kitty running. Kitty was chasing Elvis in circles on the bed…the Elvis took a flying leap off of the bed (a HUGE jump for him). She chased him under the bed for a while, and I couldn’t reach them. Finally I threw Moo Cow at Kitty and that gave Elvis a chance to hide. Whew, that was close.

I finally figured out what I am getting Mike for Christmas. I won’t be able to afford food for a few weeks, but at least he has a cool present!!! (kidding) Well, I probably should get something done before practice. Bye Bye!


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