Wednesday, April 24, 2002


So tonight I broke rule #1 of life...never go to the grocery store hungry.  Let's just say I came home tonight with a LOT of food.  :)

Today was a heck of a lot of fun after my food science exam was over.  I went and took a cardio kickboxing class at Karate America (I'm so close to teaching them I can just smell it...), then I played at Madtown for an hour.  I found some super dork guys such as myself to play tramp ball with.  Let me tell you about this is the most fun thing ever!!!  It takes just about everything out of ya though.  So then it was off to the grocery store.  It was a bit more fun since I was STARVED.

Oh yeah...a wicked shout out (is that how you say it on the east coast?) to Jeff, the most kick ass polevaulter at Duke.  He's also pretty decent at turning a horrible day into a great one with just a phone call.  Oh...and he DOES NOT have any pictures, don't ask him for pictures.  ;)

Woah, enough of that inside stuff.  Tomorrow is another hardcore busy day.  I have a bit of R&R time this weekend, then I go into psycho end-of-the-semester gear.  Yeah, it's defiantly time for bed.  Goodnight.


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