“Toto was full of shit. I don’t miss the rains in Africa at all.” - Peter Verstegen
What a difference a day makes. Today we all felt amazing. The sun stayed out during our entire hike over the Barranco Wall and we saw the most amazing views. We are above the clouds and it really looks like heaven. Then Katie pointed out that it couldn’t be heaven because I talked too much and drove her crazy.

Peter trying to throw me off of the top of the Barranco Wall
Every turn we had a more amazing view - waterfalls, cliffs, caves, flowers, clouds, and Mt. Meru in the background.
In our higher spirits we officially gave everybody their nicknames:
Gretchen= Cankles
Nate= Alpa 1
Ryan= Hippo
Shana= Rhino (Thanks Nate)
Peter= Mr. Katie
Katie= Mrs. Peter
Dickhead= Plus One = Asshole= Grumpy old man

Gretchen our fantastic guide. Kuma mayo.
After this Gretchen traded backpacks with Bruce and became the guide. She did a hysterical impression of Bruce and he played a good tourist. The two of them bantered the last hour of our hike. It all began when he tried to put rocks in her day pack and she hit him with her trekking poles.
After lunch in camp Nate and I took a beautiful hike straight up. From up there it really looked like we were on the moon.

Spoons turns violent
When we came back down everybody was playing a mean game of spoons- which I quickly jumped in and won. :)
I had a fantastic nap while Bruce taught Gretchen to tell the porters “I want it doggy style.” They loved it.
I dropped down to a half pill of diamox. For some reason I feel like I lost by having to take it but it’s the difference between climbing in main and misery and enjoying my days here. And I have not been peeing as much as I thought I would!
Tomorrow we only have a 3 hour hike but it’s straight up. The next night we have to get up at 11:30pm to begin our hike to the summit. Yikes! Now… time to rest up.
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