It has been just over a month since the lumberjack world championships, and life has been nothing short of Bizarre and Fantastic.

With Andrew Zimmern at our most recent filming.
I recently filmed another episode with Andrew Zimmern for his new show “Bizarre World”. Apparently lumberjack sports are considered Bizarre, but I’m finally able to come to terms with this. Our lumberjack episode will air on the Travel Channel in late October… STAY TUNED! My experiences with Mr. Zimmern and his exploits have given me a few minutes of fame to stand on my soapbox and tell the world about Lumberjack Sports and, more importantly, Huntington’s Disease. So again, I cannot thank you enough Andrew and crew for all of the great publicity and fun experiences.
Based on the above, this blog will be what it is usually about… Lumberjack Sports and Huntington’s Disease.
I am currently blessed to have met my dream man: a lumberjack who can put up with all of my life craziness. It’s a fantastic change to have somebody in my life so understanding. I mean really, how many people are out there who would enjoy a day of log rolling, running, fart jokes, and community service? Honestly… I think there is only one at my level, especially who shares my love of log rolling and lack of maturity.
And for a wonderful change, I was able to join Nate at one of his lumberjack shows and sit back, relax (okay not really), and be a lumberjack fan in the crowd for a change. The Steele County fair was my first real experience with a county fair. 4H, pig races, and tractor pull are all foreign to me. After experiencing much of the above, along with many fun lumberjack shows starring this hot guy named Nate, I got restless and entered the Army push-up contest. They made us do push-ups with a 40lb pack on our backs and I was able to crank out 68! Thus winning an iPod and admiration of rednecks all over Minnesota. Apparently I had issues with Nate getting all of the attention over the weekend. :) For more information about the Lumberjack Shows Nate works for, visit:
My next lumberjack show experience occurred up at the Minnesota State Fair, rooting on my dear friend Taylor as she preformed with the scary burly men of Rob Scheer’s Lumberjack Show. Along with Nate, Taylor, and Gino we had yet another fair experience full of eating fried snickers on a stick, a bucket full of chocolate chip cookies, world famous cheese curds, and plenty of taffy. Burp.

Show falls at the Walworth County Fair
My third lumberjack show adventure happened over Labor Day weekend in Elkhorn, Wisconsin at the Walworth County Fair with Carson Bosworth and JR Salzman. We preformed 13 goofy lumberjack shows complete with commentary on the pink “Lady Shaver” chainsaw with a co-driver, and ordering “Snow Storms” from Dairy Queen. It’s always a comic adventure when a group of lumberjacks from around the world are brought together. It was also nice to have Nate around for the entire week… he was such a big help!

At the HDSA Celebration of Hope Gala in Chicago
As previously mentioned, I’ve been able to get a lot of awareness out about Huntington’s Disease. HDSA has been the main focus of my past month. I’ve been vigriously preparing for our HDSA Team Hope 5K run/walk for a Cure here in Madison on September 26th. I also participated in planning for the HDSA Great Lakes Region Gala in Milwaukee, and was reelected president of the Wisconsin Chapter. Nate and I were guests at the wonderful HDSA Chicago Celebration of Hope Gala a few weeks ago, and we both volunteered and danced the night away at the hugely successful Wisconsin Gala on Friday night.
So how long and random was this post?! It’s a Bizarre World…. stay tuned!
Hi Shana,
I work for the online community team for Travel Channel. I thought you might be interested in some infor about next week's episode of Bizarre World.
If you want to receive weekly updates, email me at
Here is an episode description, some tune in info, and a link to some video from Tuesday's new episode:
South Africa Episode Description
This week Andrew heads to South Africa, a country that is embracing the future, but surrounded with reminders of apartheid's past. The only way to get a good idea about the way South Africans live their lives is to dive in head first, so Andrew does not hold back.
Andrew starts out by heading to a wildlife reserve where visitors can hunt big game, without endangering the species. There is a one-in-the-world type of restaurant, called "Carnivore," that prepares the hunted animals for dinner. At Carnivore, you can eat exotic meats that are all roasted over an open fire. There are few places where you can have this kind of meal, so Andrew eats his fill.
Later on, you see Andrew come face-to-face with his fears, at the top of a retired nuclear power station cooling tower. The towers have been remade as a tourist attraction for the 2010 world cup. I won't spoil it, but it is nerve-wrecking to see Andrew standing at the top of a 380 foot drop with nothing but a bungee rope to keep him from hitting the ground.
In a more cute and cuddly segment, Andrew spends a day on Boulder's beach in Cape Town, a beach famous for being home to a colony of 3,000 African penguins. The penguin population has decreased by 90% in the last 100 years. A wildlife conservation company, SANCCOB, is taking on a huge task trying to restore the population, so Andrew's help is more than welcomed.
I hope you are enjoying this season of Bizarre World. If you no longer want to be on this list or you would like to be on the list for any other Travel Channel show, just let me know.
There are links to some sneak peek video and Andrew's blog below:
Tune-in: Tuesday, September 22nd, at 10 E/P on Travel Channel.
Sneak peek video:
Check out Andrew's blog:
Happy travels,
Brandon Whalen
Travel Channel Online Team
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