Make 2012 a Success!

1. Set a Specific Goal. Simply saying “I want to lose weight” is setting yourself up for failure. How much weight do you want to lose? 5lbs? 10lbs? Do you want to change clothing sizes or reach a certain % of body fat?
2. Come up with a “WHY”. Envision how your life will be different once your goal is achieved. Create a desire to get there. How important is this to you? If you find that the goal isn’t something very important, you may need to reevaluate it.
3. Be Realistic. Even though you have seen people lose 20lbs in one or two weeks on TV does not mean this is realistic, nor healthy. Base your goal on success you have had in the past and on how hard you are willing to work.
4. Come up with an action plan. If your goal is fitness/weight loss related get into the gym, meet with a trainer, and figure out the best way to achieve it!
5. Write it down. Don’t just write down your goal; write down every little goal and part of your action plan you want to achieve IN YOUR CALENDAR.
6. Involve others. The more people aware of your goals and resolution, the more people there are to hold you accountable. Post it as your facebook status, share it with your trainer, challenge friends and family to achieve similar goals with you. The more of a support system you have, the better!
6. Involve others. The more people aware of your goals and resolution, the more people there are to hold you accountable. Post it as your facebook status, share it with your trainer, challenge friends and family to achieve similar goals with you. The more of a support system you have, the better!
7. Have fun. At times, working toward your goals can be daunting. Find ways to make it fun! If you hate running for weight loss… then don’t! Try shaking your hips in a zumba class or a fun outdoor activity such as cross country skiing. Plan a mini reward system for yourself (ie a new workout outfit) for each step obtained toward your goal.
8. Start now. If you put this off it will not happen. It just won’t. Start today while the resolution is fresh in your mind.
Best of luck in achieving all of your New Years Resolutions!
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