Madison, Wisconsin
10 am warm-ups
11 am start time
1:30pm warm-ups
2:30pm estimated start time
Celebrity Log Rolling
2pm start time
Download your registration form HERE!
Set up your online donation page at: http://www.firstgiving.com/hdsa-greatlakes and start collecting donations TODAY! Please make this page YOUR OWN – add a photo of you log rolling and some personal words about how you want to WIN THAT LOG!
Join us at Beautiful Wingra Park (824 Knickerbocker Street) starting with the amateur rollers at 11am.
See your favorite newscaster and radio personality get soaked during the celebrity log rolling competition at 2pm.
Finally, watch the stars of the ESPN Great Outdoor Games and the STIHL Timbersport Series during the professional log rolling and boom running from 2:30 to 5pm!
Bring a lawn chair or rent a canoe from Wingra Boats to see all of the action up close!
There is no admission fee for the event, but as we are raising money for the Huntington’s Disease Society of America donations are always accepted.
Can’t make the event but still want to help out? Donations are gladly being accepted here.
I am so sorry I wasn't there. The only sporting event that I like, and I missed it. Watching you guys would have been the bright spot of my week.
I hope everything went great for you.
I'll see you next year.
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